Weisses Rössl
Weisses Rössl
Opening hours Restaurant:
Monday-Saturday 12-14.30 and 18.00 bis 22.00
Bar/Bistroopen open daily
Monday – Saturday 08.00 til 23.00
Sunday: 10.00 bis 22.00
Kiebachgasse 8, 6020 Innsbruck
Telefon: +43512583057
Dining with tradition and flair
Wood-panelled parlours. Thick walls. 600 years of hospitality and food culture that combines tradition and modernity. Which pays homage to (great) grandma’s cooking rituals as well as top international gastronomy. Which celebrates regionality, seasonality and freshness every day and almost around the clock. An Innsbruck inn that connects: Young and old. Home cooking and international delicacies.
Whether it’s hearty soups, Gröstl variations or offal: (great) grandma’s influence can be felt with all senses at the Innsbruck Wirtshaus Weisses Rössl. And yet the owner himself, together with chef Hans and his crew, surprises with special delicacies. Be it the beef tartar from Tyrolean alpine oxen. be it the delicate snails from the vineyard. Be it the game from our own hunt or the Kaiserschmarrn and Palatschinken to top it all off.